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Recent research into bedroom habits and preferences of adults in the UK has revealed that northern men are the most skilled in the bedroom, with Yorkshire men taking the place at the top of the league table of Britain’s best lovers. At the opposite end of the scale, men from Warwickshire were voted the least satisfactory.

Women from across the UK also voted in their thousands to establish the best areas in the country for bagging a considerate, attentive, skilled lover. Whilst Warwickshire’s men weren’t great at delivery, they were found to try hard, however.

Men from Devon came top for thoughtfulness, but Londoner’s were deemed lazy and came bottom of the list, suggesting a correlation between busy London city living and a lack of satisfactory bedroom antics.

However, when it comes to assessing a woman in terms of bedroom habits, there are signs a man can look out for above and beyond geography that can give him a good idea as to whereabouts on the bedroom scale she will be:

A woman who knows and says what she wants, even when answering an everyday question, is more likely to be assertive in bed.

If a woman’s pace and nonverbal behaviour match yours, chances are her sexual behaviour will too. If you are quite slow but she is fidgety and fast, you will probably have different sexual paces.

She’s a good kisser. Obvious, but true.

She’s a good dancer – as well as inciting someone who is social and self-confident, it also suggests someone who is in good shape and is energetic.

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